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Greetings, reader. My name is Nicholas. I am currently a fourth-year electrical/electronics engineering student at James Cook University. I find vintage equipment and vehicles fascinating; enjoy making small programs using Python, MATLAB, and C; and play guitar, balalaika, garmon, and bayan (accordion). On my website, you will find some of my projects I am working on as well as useful links, and funny images of cats.

I have at least a three reasons for having my own website. Firstly, it is a centralised location for things I find important and interesting — I can refer to my website anytime and anywhere provided I have a device with internet connection. Secondly, it is a place that my friends and family can go to to see the projects I'm working on. Thirdly, I want to share what I have with people — a stranger from another walk of life might find bits and pieces of information on my website useful. Fourthly, the first three reasons are what I can think of right now.

I dislike the aesthetic and layout of many contemporary websites. The websites labelled as simplistic and minimalistic sometimes lack structure. On the flip side, many websites are loaded with advertisements, bloatware, and can be a pain to navigate. That's why my website is the way it is – neat, simple but structured, and intuitive (so at least I think). I want to avoid making my website a labyrinthine rabbit warren. I've made it from scratch, using only HTML and CSS code. Perhaps nostalgia of olden-styled websites has influenced my design choices. Currently, my website is best viewed on a desktop computer.

The homepage of my website was inspired by Don P. Mitchell's homepage. I also used a guide written by Luke Smith of lukesmith.xyz to assist myself in making my website. I also used another website of Luke's to assist with the aesthetics and layouts of my webpages. I use the windows-default "notepad++" to create and edit html files.

P.S., I don't know how to create an email server yet. One day you will be able to contact me...

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